Establishment and Management

This Institution named after H.H.S. Chinmayananda was established on 25-07-1984 under the patronage of NALCO and was initially known to be Chinmaya Vidyalaya. It started functioning with 6 teaching and 2 non-teaching members. After six years Chinmaya Vidyalaya was atoned to Saraswati Vidyamandir in 1990. It is now supervised by SVS Odisha, NALCO and managed by LMC as per the agreement signed between NALCO and SVS. .The school under report presently functions with 63 teaching, 28 non teaching staff and 1907students.

This school is an institution of co-education recognized by the Govt. of Odisha and affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack and Council of Higher Secondary Education, Bhubaneswar vide Letter No. XVIIER-33/91-676 dated 06-01-1992 and Circle Inspector’s Letter No. 2586 dated 11-02-1992. There is an arrangement to provide education to students of LKG to that of +2 Arts & Science.

The motto of this institution is “Swayameva Mrugendrata.”

As NALCO believes in providing educational opportunities to the people of tribal-dominated Koraput District, Saraswati Vidyamandir, Damanjodi has set a high standard in the field of education.  Besides the children of NALCO employees, other children of peripheral area also avail the benefit of quality education here.

It is heartening to note that since its inception, School Authorities have been making all out efforts to develop values and skills in their students which form the foundation of a life of accomplishment and fulfillment.

This Institution is hailed as one of the premier institution in our state. Sprawling campus, well equipped laboratories, updated library, salubrious study atmosphere, expertise of academic fraternity, healthy teacher-taught rapport, alluring achievements in various fields, unflinching support of NALCO and benign guidance of school Management add glory to the crown of success. Various wings such as NCC, NSS, Scout, Guide, Eco Club, JRC and YRC are at work to make this school complete in all respect.