About Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Damanjodi
This Institution named after H.H.S. Chinmayananda was established on 25-07-1984 under the patronage of NALCO and was initially known to be Chinmaya Vidyalaya. It started functioning with 6 teaching and 2 non-teaching members.After six years Chinmaya Vidyalaya was atoned to Saraswati Vidyamandir in 1990. It is now supervised by SVS Odisha, NALCO and managed by LMC as per the agreement signed between NALCO and SVS. .The school under report presently functions with 63 teaching, 28 non teaching staff and 1907students.
Principal’s Message
Dr. S.S Bahinipati
Education is the manifestation of perfection already exists in man. In this way we need to admit and understand that every child is a gifted one to humanity and we need to awaken that divine quality in them. The children are the most precious human capital. So the prime need is to nurture them carefully.
Secretary’s Message
Dr Chitta Ranjan Mishra
It gives me immense pleasure to know that SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Damanjodi is going to have a Web Site of its own by which lifting the veil of Information will be handy. As the Secretary of the School Managing Committee, I wish a grand grandeur of the Web Page which is badly required to keep abreast of the fast changing world of Science and Technology. Let it have a Promising Present and Flourishing Future!
President’s Message
Purusottam Mohanta